Page 10 - 00 Introduction
P. 10


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   and understanding science, and had ability

               in them to stand in the king’s palace. In other

               words,  they  had  already  acquired  a  good

               degree  of  education,  and  their  physical  and

               mental powers were so far developed that a

               skillful  reader  of  human  nature  could  form

               quite  an  accurate  estimate  of  their

               capabilities. They are supposed to have been

               about eighteen or twenty years of age.

               In the treatment which these Hebrew captives

               received, we see an instance of the wise policy

               and  the  liberality  of  the  rising  king,


               1. Instead of choosing, like too many kings of

               later times, means for the gratification of low

               and  base  desires,  he  chose  young  men  who

               should be educated in all matters pertaining
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