Page 11 - 00 Introduction
P. 11
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
to the kingdom, that he might have efficient
help in administering its affairs.
2. He appointed them daily provision of his
own meat and wine. Instead of the coarse fare
which some would have thought good enough
for captives, he offered them his own royal
For the space of three years, they had all the
advantages the kingdom afforded. Though
captives, they were royal children, and they
were treated as such by the humane king of
the Chaldeans.
The question may be raised, why these
persons were selected after suitable
preparation, to take part in the affairs of the
kingdom. Were there not enough native
Babylonians to fill these positions of trust and
honor? It could have been for no other reason