Page 16 - 00 Introduction
P. 16


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   Daniel purposed not to defile himself with

               the king’s meat nor with his wine. Daniel had

               other reasons for this course than simply the

               effect of such a diet upon his physical system,

               though  he  would  derive  great  advantage  in

               this  respect  from  the  fare  he  proposed  to

               adopt. But it was frequently the case that the

               meat used by the kings and princes of heathen

               nations,  who  were  often  the  high  priests  of

               their religion, was first offered in sacrifice to

               idols, and the wine they used, poured out as a

               libation before them; and again, some of the

               meat  of  which  they  made  use,  was

               pronounced unclean by the Jewish law; and on

               either  of  these  grounds  Daniel  could  not,

               consistently with his religion, partake of these

               articles;  hence  he  requested,  not  from  any

               morose  or  sullen  temper,  but  from

               conscientious scruples, that he might not be
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