Page 21 - 00 Introduction
P. 21


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   Daniel continued even unto the first year of

               king Cyrus.

               To  Daniel  alone  seems  to  have  been

               committed  an  understanding  in  visions  and

               dreams. But the Lord’s dealing with Daniel in

               this respect does not prove the others any the

               less accepted in his sight. Preservation in the

               midst  of  the  fiery  furnace  was  as  good

               evidence of the divine favor as they could have

               had.  Daniel  probably  had  some  natural

               qualifications  that  peculiarly  fitted  him  for

               this special work.

               The  same  personal  interest  in  these

               individuals heretofore manifested by the king,

               he still continued to maintain. At the end of the

               three  years,  he  called  them  to  a  personal

               interview. He must know for himself how they

               had  fared,  and  what  proficiency  they  had
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