Page 18 - 00 Introduction
P. 18


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   that  if  they  maintained  good  physical

               conditions, the king would take no exception

               to the means used, though it might be contrary

               to his own express direction. It appears that

               the  king’s  sincere  object  was  to  secure  in

               them, by whatever means it could be done, the

               very  best  mental  and  physical  development

               that could be attained. How different this from

               the  bigotry  and  tyranny  which  usually  hold

               supreme control over the hearts of those who

               are  clothed  with  absolute  power.    In  the

               character  of  Nebuchadnezzar  we  shall  find

               many  things  worthy  of  our  highest


               Daniel requested pulse and water for himself

               and his three companions. Pulse is a vegetable

               food of the leguminous kind, like peas, beans,

               etc.  Bagster  says,  “Zeroim  denotes  all
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