Page 19 - 00 Introduction
P. 19


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   leguminous  plants,  which  are  not  reaped,

               but  pulled  or  plucked,  which,  however

               wholesome, were not naturally calculated to

               render them fatter in flesh than the others.”

               A ten days’ trial of this diet resulting favorably,

               they were permitted to continue it during the

               whole course of their training for the duties of

               the  palace.  Their  increase  in  flesh  and

               improvement  in  countenance  which  took

               place  during  these  ten  days,  can  hardly  be

               attributed to the natural result of the diet; for

               it would hardly produce such marked effects

               in so short a time. Is it not much more natural

               to conclude that this result was produced by a

               special interposition of the Lord, as a token of

               his approbation of the course on which they

               had  entered,  which  course,  if  persevered  in,

               would  in  process  of  time  lead  to  the  same
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