Page 22 - 00 Introduction
P. 22


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 1 – Daniel in Captivity
                   made. This interview also shows the king to

               have been a man well versed in all the arts and

               sciences of the Chaldeans, else he would not

               have been qualified to examine others therein.

               As the result, recognizing merit wherever he

               saw  it,  without  respect  to  religion  or

               nationality, he acknowledged them to be ten

               times superior to any in his own land.

               And  it  is  added  that  Daniel  continued  even

               unto  the  first  year  of  King  Cyrus.  This  is  an

               instance of the somewhat singular use of the

               word unto, or until, which occasionally occurs

               in the sacred writings. It does not mean that

               he continued no longer than to the first year of

               Cyrus,  for  he  lived  some  years  after  the

               commencement  of  his  reign;  but  this  is  the

               time  to  which  the  writer  wished  to  direct

               especial attention, as it brought deliverance to
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