Page 12 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 12
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
the oppression and slaughter of the church
by the papal power, is already past; while the
time of trouble of Daniel 12:1, is, according to
the view we take, still future. How can there be
two times of trouble, many years apart, each
of them greater than any that had been before
it, or should be after it? To avoid difficulty
here, let this distinction be carefully noticed:
The tribulation spoken of in Matthew is
tribulation upon the church. Christ is there
speaking to his disciples, and of his disciples
in coming time. They were the ones involved,
and for their sake the days of tribulation were
to be shortened. Verse 22. Whereas, the time
of trouble mentioned in Daniel is not a time of
religious persecution, but of national calamity.
There has been nothing like it since there was
— not a church, but — a nation. This comes
upon the world. This is the last trouble to