Page 15 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 15


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   Why  may  it  not  be  the  former,  or  the

               resurrection which occurs at the last trump?

               Answer:  Because  only  the  righteous,  to  the

               exclusion of all the wicked, have part in that

               resurrection. Those who sleep in Christ then

               come forth; but they only, for the rest of the

               dead  live  not  again  for  a  thousand  years.

               Revelation  20:5.  So  then  the  general

               resurrection of the whole race is comprised in

               two  grand  divisions,  first,  of  the  righteous

               exclusively, at the coming of Christ; secondly,

               of  the  wicked  exclusively,  a  thousand  years

               thereafter. The general resurrection is not a

               mixed  resurrection.  The  righteous  and  the

               wicked do not come up promiscuously at the

               same time. But each of these two classes is set

               off  by  itself,  and  the  time  which  elapses

               between  their  respective  resurrections  is

               plainly stated to be a thousand years.
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