Page 20 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 20


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   therefore,  as  already  shown,  comprises

               some  of  both  righteous  and  wicked,  and

               cannot be the general resurrection at the last


               Is there, then, any place for a special or limited

               resurrection, or elsewhere any intimation of

               such an event, before the Lord appears? The

               resurrection here predicted takes place when

               God’s people are delivered from the great time

               of trouble with which the history of this world

               terminates;  and  it  seems  from  Revelation

               22:11 that this deliverance is given before the

               Lord  appears.  The  awful  moment  arrives

               when  he  that  is  filthy  and  unjust  is

               pronounced  unjust  still,  and  he  that  is

               righteous  and  holy  is  pronounced  holy  still.

               Then the cases of all are forever decided. And

               when  this  sentence  is  pronounced  upon  the
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