Page 22 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 22


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   Israel.” The margin reads instead of “hope,”

               “place of repair, or harbor.” Then, at this time,

               when God’s voice is heard from heaven, just

               previous to the coming of the Son of man, God

               is a harbor for his people, or, which is the same

               thing, provides them deliverance. Here, then,

               at  the  voice  of  God,  when  the  decisions  of

               eternity  are  pronounced  upon  the  race,  and

               the last stupendous scene is just to open upon

               a doomed world, God gives to the astonished

               nations  another  evidence  and  pledge  of  his

               power, and raises from the dead a multitude

               who have long slept in the dust of the earth.

               Thus we see that there is a time and place for

               the resurrection of Daniel 12:2. We now add

               that a passage in the book of Revelation makes

               it necessary to suppose a resurrection of this

               kind  to  take  place.  Revelation  1:7  reads:
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