Page 27 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 27


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   when the events recorded in the foregoing

               verses  are  to  be  fulfilled.  And,  as  the  world

               estimates loss and profit, it costs something to

               be  teachers  of  these  things  in  these  days.  It

               costs  reputation,  ease,  comfort,  and  often

               property;                 it       involves               labors,             crosses,

               sacrifices, loss of friendship, ridicule, and, not

               unfrequently, persecution. And the question is

               often asked, How can you afford it? How can

               you afford to keep the Sabbath, and perhaps

               lose a situation, reduce your income, or it may

               be  even  hazard  your  means  of  support?  O

               blind,  deluded,  sordid  question!  O  what

               shortsightedness, to make obedience to what

               God  requires  a  matter  of  pecuniary

               consideration! How unlike is this to the noble

               martyrs,  who  loved  not  their  lives  unto  the

               death! No; the affording is all on the other side.

               When  God  commands,  we  cannot  afford  to
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