Page 31 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 31


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   instruments,  to  be  nineteen  thousand

               million miles away; but the pole-star system is

               fifteen times as remote, or two hundred and

               eighty-five  thousand  million  miles;  and  it

               shines with a luster equal to that of eighty-six

               of  our  suns;  others  are  still  larger,  as,  for

               instance,  Vega, which emits the light of three

               hundred and forty-four of our suns; Capella,

               four  hundred  and  thirty;  Arcturus,  five

               hundred and sixteen; and so on, till at last we

               reach  the  great  star  Alcyone,  in  the

               constellation of the Pleiades, which floods the

               celestial  spaces  with  a  brilliancy  twelve

               thousand  times  that  of  the  ponderous  orb

               which  lights  and  controls  our  solar  system!

               Why, then, does it not appear more luminous

               to us? — Ah! its distance is twenty-five million

               diameters of the earth’s orbit; and the latter is

               one hundred and ninety million miles! Figures
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