Page 28 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 28


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   disobey. And if we are asked, How can you

               afford  to  keep  the  Sabbath,  and  do  other

               duties involved in rendering obedience to the

               truth? we have only to ask in reply, How can

               you afford not to do it? And in the coming day,

               when  those  who  have  sought  to  save  their

               lives shall lose them, and those who have been

               willing to hazard all for the sake of the truth

               and its divine Lord, shall receive the glorious

               reward promised in the text, and be raised up

               to  shine  as  the  firmament,  and  as  the

               imperishable    stars  forever  and  ever,  it  will

               then be seen who have been wise, and who on

               the  contrary,  have  made  the  choice  of

               blindness and folly. The wicked and worldly

               now  look  upon  Christians  as  fools  and

               madmen,  and  congratulate  themselves  upon

               their superior shrewdness in shunning what

               they call their folly, and avoiding their losses.
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