Page 26 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 26


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   corruption will burn into their very souls, so

               long as they have conscious being. And when

               they pass away, consumed for their iniquities,

               their  loathsome  characters  and  their  guilty

               deeds excite only contempt on the part of all

               the  righteous,  unmodified  and  unabated  so

               long as they hold them in remembrance at all.

               The text therefore furnishes no proof of the

               eternal suffering of the wicked.

               VERSE 3. And they that be wise shall shine as

               the brightness of the firmament; and they that

               turn  many  to  righteousness  as  the  stars

               forever and ever.

               The margin reads “teachers” in place of “wise.”

               And they that be teachers shall shine as the

               brightness of the firmament; that is, of course,

               those who teach the truth, and lead others to

               a  knowledge  of  it,  just  previous  to  the  time
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