Page 34 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 34
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
away; we go back beyond the dim and
shadowy horizon of history, go back even to
the earliest moment introduced by revelation,
when order was evoked from chaos, and the
morning stars sang together, and the sons of
God shouted for joy — even then the stars
were on their stately marches, and how long
before this we know not; for astronomers tell
us of nebulae lying on the farthest outposts of
telescopic vision, whose light in its never-
ceasing flight would consume five million
years in reaching this planet. So ancient are
these stellar orbs. Yet their brightness is not
dimmed, nor their force abated. The dew of
youth still seems fresh upon them. No broken
outline shows the foothold of decay; no
faltering motion reveals the decrepitude of
age. Of all things visible, these stand next to