Page 38 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 38
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
at the marvelous achievements of the
human mind, and the cunning works of men’s
hands rivaling the magician’s wildest dreams,
which have been accomplished within the last
hundred years. It was recently stated in the
Scientific American that within this time more
advancement has been made in all scientific
attainments, and more progress in all that
tends to domestic comfort, the rapid
transaction of business among men, the
transmission of intelligence from one to
another, and the means of rapid transit from
place to place and even from continent to
continent, than all that was done for three
thousand years previous, put together.
By a series of vignettes the artist has given us
in the accompanying plates a bird’s-eye view
of some of the most wonderful discoveries and