Page 6 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
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In A.D. 1750, Voltaire, the brilliant and
witty French literary genius, was one of a
group of writers who helped prepare the
soil and sow the seeds of the French
Revolution. Voltaire boasted that he,
alone, could demolish the Bible! He
reported: “I am weary of hearing people
repeat that twelve fishermen founded
Christianity. I will show the world that
one Frenchman is sufficient to overthrow
it!” Voltaire was a prodigious writer. The
flood of infidel works that flowed from
the pen absorbed the full capacity of a
printing-press. He rashly predicted that
in one hundred years the Bible would
have ceased to exist, except for a few
copies to be found in museums!
In A.D. 1795, Thomas Paine, the
notorious English Free-thinker, fought the
Bible with sarcasm and ridicule. The Age
of Reason is one of his best-known books.