Page 10 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
P. 10

In  A.D.  1950,  International  Communism,

                       militant, atheistic, is another sworn enemy

                       of  the  Bible.    It  stands  at  the  head  of  the

                       forces            of        organized                  atheism               today.

                       Vladimir Lenin, high-priest of Communism,

                       coined the slogan:  “Religion is the opiate of

                       the people.” Lounatcharski, one-time Soviet

                       Commissar  of  Education,  stormed:    “We

                       hate Christians.  Even the best of them must

                       be  regarded  as  our  worst  enemies.    They

                       preach  love  to  one’s  neighbor  and  pity,

                       which  is  contrary  to  our  principles.

                       Christian  love  is  a  hindrance  to  the

                       development  of  Revolution.    Down  with

                       love  for  one’s  neighbor.    What  we  want  is

                       hatred.    We  must  know  how  to  hate,  for

                       only  at  this  price  can  we  conquer  the

                       universe.  We have done with kings of the

                       earth; let us deal now with the kings of the

                       skies.    All  religions  are  poison.    They

                       intoxicate  and  deaden  the  mind,  the  will

                       and  the  conscience.    A  fight  to  the  death
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