Page 13 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
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reducing their previously unwritten
languages into written form, in order to give
them the Bible in their own languages.
It is unrivalled, also, in sheer volume of
output. Its world-circulation has now
reached the staggering total of over
36,000,000 copies per year. That’s a Bible
every second! And when Scripture “portions”
or “selections” are added, the total swells to
almost 500,000,000 items per year. Indeed,
if all the Bibles and portions that were
printed in one recent year (1984) were
gathered together and laid flat on each other,
they would make a pile many times higher
than Mount Everest!
And this is the Book that Voltaire said would
be extinct – a dusty, mildewed museum-relic-
in one hundred years after his day!
Yes, the Bible, the “Miracle book of the
Ages,” the world’s “Best Seller;” Again, what
is the secret of its immortality?