Page 16 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
P. 16
This surprising development led one
discerning observer to say: “I believe the
spade. It has fed the tribes of mankind. It has
furnished them with water, coal, iron, and
gold. And now it is giving them truth-historic
truth-the mines of which have never been
opened until our time.” (Oliver Wendell
Yes, the spade does confirm the Bible! From
Modern Scientific Criticism to the Birth of
Archaeology, the Rosetta Stone, the Dead Sea
Scrolls, the Behistun Rock, the striking
illuminations and confirmations of the Book
of Daniel, the Cylinder of Nabonidus, the
Tell-El- Amarna tablets, the Cuneiform
tablets, and the dramatic corroboration of
New Testament history are weighted
evidence that confirms the truth of the Word
of God.