Page 19 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
P. 19

Peter  proclaims:    “We  have  also  a  more

               sure  word  of  prophecy;  whereunto  ye  do

               well  that  ye  take  heed,  as  unto  a  light  that

               shineth  in  a  dark  place,  until  the  day  dawn,

               and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter


               Amos reveals:  “Surely the Lord GOD will do

               nothing,  but  he  revealeth  his  secret  unto

               his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).

               John testifies of what Christ said:  “And now I

               have told you before it come to pass, that,

               when  it  is  come  to  pass,  ye  might  believe”

               (John 14:29).

               This  is  an  audacious,  dramatic  claim,  and

               obviously,  at  this  point,  the  Bible  “burns  all

               its  bridges”  behind  it.    There  is  no  “backing

               out”  from  a  claim  as  emphatic  and  final  as

               this.    At  his  point,  the  Bible  openly  submits

               itself  to  a  practical,  historical  test.    If  its

               prophecies  come  true,  its  claims  to  super-

               human authorship are thereby vindicated.
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