Page 23 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
P. 23

Resurrection;                       the           Judgment;                    the

                       Millennium  and  the  End  of  the  World):

                       Daniel 12; Matthew 1:3, 24 and 25; Mark

                       13;  Luke 17  and  21;  1  Corinthians  15;  1

                       Thessalonians  4:16-18;  2  Timothy  1-3;

                       James 5:1-8; 2 Peter 3; Revelation 16, 18,

                       19  and  20.      PROPHECY  YET  TO  BE


                       Prophecies  concerning  the  final  triumph

                       of righteousness, and the establishment of

                       God’s  kingdom  on  earth:    Isaiah  11,  35

                       and  65;  Revelation  11:15-19;  Revelation

                       21  and  22.      PROPHECY  YET  TO  BE


                   Prophecy  is  made  “more  sure”  by  its

                   fulfillment.  Fulfilled prophecy is a proof of

                   inspiration                    because                  the            Scripture

                   predictions  of  future  events  were  uttered

                   so long before the events took place that no

                   mere  human  wisdom  or  foresight  could

                   have  anticipated  them.    Also,  these

                   predictions  are  so  detailed,  minute,  and
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28