Page 22 - THE WORD OF GOD_Gorgeous
P. 22

o Egypt – Ezekiel 29-32

                             PROPHECY FULFILLED!

                       Prophecies concerning the rise and fall of

                       world  kingdoms:  Daniel  2,  7,  8  and  11-

                       PROPHECY  FULFILLED  &  SOME  YET  TO

                       BE FULFILLED!

                       Prophecies  concerning  the  Church  and

                       the  Christian  Age:  Matthew  16:18;  Acts

                       20:29,  30;  1  Timothy  4:1-3;  2  Timothy

                       4:3,  4;  Revelation  chapters  2  and  3  (the

                       Seven  Churches);  chapters  5  and  6  (the

                       Seven Seals); chapters 8 and 9 (the Seven

                       Trumpets);  also  chapters  10,  11,  12  and

                       14.      PROPHECY FULFILLED & SOME YET

                       TO BE FULFILLED!

                       Prophecies                    concerning                     the           Great

                       Apostasy  and  the  Anti-Christ:  Daniel  7

                       and 8; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation

                       13  and  17.    PROPHECY  FULFILLED  &

                       SOME YET TO BE FULFILLED!

                       Prophecies  concerning  the  Last  Things

                       (Latter-day Signs: the Second Advent; the
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