Page 37 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 37
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
14. No wonder, then, that Paul should devote
an entire chapter in Hebrews (chapter 11) to
this important subject, setting forth the
mighty achievements that have been
accomplished, and the precious promises that
have been obtained, through faith; and that he
should, in the first verse of the next chapter, as
the grand conclusion to his argument, exhort
Christians to lay aside every weight, and the
sin (of unbelief) that so easily besets them.
Nothing will sooner dry up the springs of
spirituality, and sink us into utter poverty in
reference to the things of the kingdom of God,
than to let faith go out and unbelief come in.
For faith must enter into every action that is
pleasing in his sight; and in coming to him, the
first thing is to believe that he is; and it is
through faith, as the chief agent under the