Page 32 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 32


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   coldness,  rather  than  in  a  state  of

               comfortable, easy, indifferent lukewarmness.

               Cold, a person will not long remain. His efforts

               will  soon  lead  him  to  the  fervid  state.  But

               lukewarm, there is danger of his remaining till

               the  faithful  and  true  Witness  is  obliged  to

               reject him as a nauseous and loathsome thing.

               I Will Spue Thee out of My Mouth. — Here the

               figure  is  still  further  carried  out,  and  the

               rejection  of  the  lukewarm  expressed  by  the

               nauseating  effects  of  tepid  water.  And  this

               denotes a final rejection, an utter separation

               from his church.

               Rich, and Increased with Goods. — Such the

               Laodiceans think is their condition. They are

               not hypocrites, because they “know not” that

               they are poor, miserable, blind, and naked.
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