Page 31 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 31


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                  Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
                   sensible presence and love of God, so by cold

               would  seem  to  be  denoted  a  spiritual

               condition  characterized  by  a  destitution  of

               these  traits,  yet  one  in  which  the  individual

               feels such destitution, and longs to recover his

               lost treasures. This state is well expressed by

               the  language  of  Job,  “O  that  I  knew  where  I

               might find him!” Job 23:3. In this state there is

               not  indifference,  nor  is  there  content;  but

               there  is  a  sense  of  coldness,  unfitness,  and

               discomfort,  and  a  groping  and  seeking  after

               something better. There is hope of a person in

               this condition. What a man feels that he lacks

               and wants, he will earnestly strive to obtain.

               The  most  discouraging  feature  of  the

               lukewarm is that they are conscious of no lack,

               and feel that they have need of nothing. Hence

               it is easy to see why our Lord should prefer to

               behold  his  church  in  a  state  of  comfortless
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