Page 29 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 29
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
1. It would seem harsh and repulsive to
represent Christ as wishing, under any
circumstances, that persons should be in such
a condition; but he says, “I would thou wert
cold or hot.”
2. No state can be more offensive to Christ
than that of the sinner in open rebellion, and
his heart filled with every evil. It would
therefore be incorrect to represent him as
preferring that state to any position which his
people can occupy while they are still retained
as his.
3. The threat of rejection in verse 16 is
because they are neither cold nor hot. As much
as to say that if they were either cold or hot,
they would not be rejected. But if by cold is
meant a state of open worldly wickedness,