Page 30 - 03 The Seven Churches Continued
P. 30
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 3 – The Seven Churches (continued)
they would be rejected therefor very
speedily. Hence such cannot be its meaning.
We are consequently forced to the conclusion
that by this language our Lord has no
reference whatever to those outside of his
church, but that he refers to three degrees of
spiritual affections, two of which are more
acceptable to him than the third. Heat and cold
are preferable to lukewarmness. But what
kind of a spiritual state is denoted by the term
cold? We may remark first that it is a state of
feeling. In this respect it is superior to
lukewarmness, which is a state of
comparative insensibility, indifference, and
supreme self-satisfaction. To be hot is also to
be in a state of feeling. And as hot denotes
joyous fervency, and a lively exercise of all the
affections, with a heart buoyant with the