Page 2 - 03a The Seven Churches-Ephesus
P. 2


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                         CHAPTER III. THE MESSAGE TO THE

                                         CHURCHES - Smyrna

               Smyrna,  the  second  church  addressed,  was

               only  about  fifty  miles  from  Ephesus,  and

               doubtless  knew  of  the  conditions  at  the

               central church of Asia Minor; but as it was not

               a great trade center, many of the perplexities

               with which Ephesus had to contend were not

               present  in  Smyrna.  Its  members  were  poor,

               but still they worked earnestly for others. The

               wealth  of  Ephesus  was  one  of  the  greatest

               drawbacks to the spirituality of that church;

               but  Smyrna,  though  poor  in  worldly  goods,

               was rich in the eyes of the Lord. Through false

               teachers, claiming to be the children of God,

               persecution  came  to  those  who  wished  to

               follow the teachings of Christ. The true Jew is
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