Page 3 - 03a The Seven Churches-Ephesus
P. 3


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               an heir by faith of the inheritance promised to

               Abraham, but many pride themselves on the

               inheritance  of  the  flesh.  Such  belong  to  the

               synagogue  of  Satan;  for  righteousness  by

               works is the devil’s counterfeit of the Lord’s

               plan  of  salvation  through  faith  alone  in  the

               merits of the Son of God. The words written by

               Paul in his letter to the Galatians, who had this

               same false teaching to meet, makes clear the

               difference between those who are children of

               promise and those who are Jews in name only.

               Paul illustrates the truth by repeating the life

               experience  of  Abraham.  Ishmael,  the  son  of

               Hagar, the Egyptian bondwoman, represents

               in  allegory,  those  who  hope  to  obtain

               righteousness by their own efforts. Such are

               the Jews against whom the church at Smyrna
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