Page 6 - 20 The Two Suppers
P. 6


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               cry, says, “Come out of her My people,” gathers

               guests  for  this  supper  from  the  very  last

               people of earth. Probation closes when the last

               guest has accepted the invitation.

               John,  in  the  Revelation  of  Jesus  Christ,  had

               been brought a number of times to this great

               gathering.  In  the  sixteenth  chapter  are

               recorded  the  plagues  which  fall  upon  those

               who turn from the invitation; the eighteenth

               chapter describes the character of the church

               and the governments which attract the minds

               of men from the call of God, and so infatuate

               them with the feasts of the whore that they

               lose the privilege of eating at the table of the

               Lamb. John saw these things, and understood

               why the  time  of  trouble  came; and  then the

               curtain was drawn aside, and from the scenes
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