Page 9 - 03 The Fiery Ordeal
P. 9
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 3 – The Fiery Ordeal
strong intimations of their ingratitude: Thou
hast set them over the affairs of Babylon, and
yet they have disregarded thee. Where Daniel
was upon this occasion, is not known. He was
probably absent on some business of the
empire, the importance of which demanded
his presence. But why should Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abed-nego, since they knew
they could not worship the image, be present
on the occasion? Was it not because they were
willing to comply with the king’s
requirements as far as they could without
compromising their religious principles? The
king required them to be present. With this
requirement they could comply, and they did.
He required them to worship the image. This
their religion forbade, and this they therefore
refused to do.