Page 4 - 02 The Author of the Revelation
P. 4
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
“Divinity needed humanity; for it required
both the divine and the human to bring
salvation to the world. Divinity needed
humanity, that humanity might afford a
channel of communication between God and
man.” Humanity was lost without divinity.
Salvation came by the union of the two in
Christ. The union formed in Him will never be
severed, for the church to which His teachings
gave birth is a child of God, and the history of
the church is the history of Emmanuel,-the
mystery of godliness. Adam was made in the
image of God, and was a son of God; but sin
severed the tie, and the children of Adam were
born in sin. But Christ, the second Adam, was
the Son of God; and the church, the only
begotten of Christ, partakes of the nature of
the Father, and stands before the world to