Page 39 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 39


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   the context, to suppose that the word daily

               refers  to  a  desolating  power,  like  the

               “transgression of desolation,” with which it is

               connected.  Then  we  have  two  desolating

               powers, which for a long period oppress, or

               desolate the church. The Hebrew, ע ַשֶּפַהְו                                        די ִמ ָּתַה

                 םֵמֹׁש, justifies this construction; the last word,

                 םֵמֹׁש , desolation, having a common relation to

               the  two  preceding  nouns,  the  perpetual  and

               the transgression, which are connected by the

               conjunction and. Literally, it may be rendered,

               “How  long  the  vision  [concerning]  the

               continuance  and  the  transgression  of

               desolation?”  the  word  desolation  being

               related                to          both              continuance                      and

               transgression, as though it were expressed in

               full, thus: “The continuance of desolation and

               the  transgression  of  desolation.”  By  the

               “continuance of desolation,” or the perpetual
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