Page 41 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 41


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   desolation.” Medo-Persia was pagan; Grecia

               was pagan; Rome in its first phase was pagan;

               these all were embraced in the “daily.” Then

               comes the papal form, — the “transgression of

               desolation” — a marvel of craft and cunning,

               an  incarnation  of  fiendish  blood-thirstiness

               and cruelty. No wonder the cry has gone up

               from suffering martyrs, from age to age, How

               long, O Lord, how long? And no wonder the

               Lord, in order that hope might not wholly die

               out of the hearts of his down-trodden, waiting

               people,  has  lifted  before  them  the  vail  of

               futurity, showing them the consecutive events

               of the world’s history, till all these persecuting

               powers  shall  meet  an  utter  and  everlasting

               destruction,  and  giving  them    glimpses

               beyond, of the unfading glories of their eternal

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