Page 61 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 61
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
moment support such a claim. If, therefore,
we do not find it in the object before us, we
may abandon the search in utter despair; we
may discard so much of revelation as still
unrevealed, and may cut out from the sacred
page, as so much useless reading, the
numerous passages which speak on this
subject. All those, therefore, who, rather than
that so important a subject should go by
default, are willing to lay aside all
preconceived opinions and cherished views,
will approach the position before us with
intense anxiety and unbounded interest. They
will lay hold of any evidence that may here be
given us, as a man bewildered in a labyrinth of
darkness would lay hold of the thread which
was his only guide to lead him forth again to