Page 66 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 66


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                            Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
                   would prove them to be such under the old

               dispensation.  If  Canaan  was  at  any  time  the

               sanctuary,  it  was  such  when  Israel  was

               planted  in  it.  If  the  church  was  ever  the

               sanctuary,  it  was  such  when  Israel  was  led

               forth  from  Egypt.  If  the  earth  was  ever  the

               sanctuary,  it  was  such  during  the  period  of

               which we speak. To this period the arguments

               urged  in their favor apply as  fully as  to any

               other  period;  and  if  they  were  not  the

               sanctuary  during  this  time,  then  all  the

               arguments are destroyed which would show

               that  they  ever  were,  or  ever  could  be,  the

               sanctuary. But were they the sanctuary during

               that  time?  This  is  a  final  question  for  these

               theories; and Paul decides it in the negative,

               by describing to us the tabernacle of Moses,

               and telling us that that — not the earth, nor
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