Page 73 - 08 Vision of the Ram, He-Goat and Little Horn
P. 73
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 8 – Vision of the Ram, He-Goat & Little Horn
40. (To the same end see Exodus 26:30;
27:8; Acts 7:44.)
Now of what was the earthly sanctuary a type,
or figure? Answer: Of the sanctuary of the new
covenant, the “true tabernacle, which the Lord
pitched, and not man.” The relation which the
first covenant sustains to the second
throughout, is that of type to antitype. Its
sacrifices were types of the greater sacrifice of
this dispensation; its priests were types of our
Lord, in his more perfect priesthood; their
ministry was performed unto the shadow and
example of the ministry of our High Priest
above; and the sanctuary where they
ministered, was a type, or figure, of the true
sanctuary in heaven, where our Lord
performs his ministry.