Page 25 - 14 The Beast from the Sea & The Beast from the Earth
P. 25
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
strife, outside the bounds of European
darkness, arose another nation. It was
brought into existence by the Lord Himself; at
the very time it was most needed for the
development of the principles of the Gospel,
and of the final struggle for truth.
From 1492 and onward, Europe heard reports
of a new land beyond the seas. Navigators,
usually in search of gold or glory, explored the
shores and established colonies. But neither
wealth nor honor was to have a hand in the
final settlement; God reserved the territory,
afterwards known as the United States of
America, for the planting of downtrodden
truth. When Germany refused full liberty, and
clung to some forms of papal tyranny,
Protestantism passed on to England. England