Page 27 - 14 The Beast from the Sea & The Beast from the Earth
P. 27


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               strivings against bondage and oppression. So

               strongly  ingrained  were  the  principles  of

               monarchy and the spirit to dictate in religious

               matters-the  two  foundation  stones  of  the

               papacy-that only by dint of perseverance and

               strong  determination  on  the  part  of  a  few

               souls  who  were  open  to  heaven-born

               convictions, there gradually grew up in New

               England a representative form of government.

               The towns about Boston refused to be taxed

               unless they had a voice in the legislative body.

               Thomas Hooker, with his whole congregation,

               emigrated  to  the  wilds  of  Connecticut  for

               greater  liberty;  and  as  a  result,  the  first

               written  constitution  ever  known  to  exist  in

               America,  was  framed  in  1633.  Rhode  Island

               had  an  existence  solely,  because  of  the
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