Page 33 - 14 The Beast from the Sea & The Beast from the Earth
P. 33


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               dragon,  who  had  worked  through  each

               preceding nation, works in this. When unable

               to check the onward march of freedom, as it

               was started in America, the more wary plans,

               which  had  been  combined  in  Rome,  were

               introduced into America. A government by the

               people, for successful management requires a

               constituency  educated  in  the  principles  of

               both  Protestantism  and  republicanism.  The

               schools played a most important part in the

               growth  of  the  constitution,  and  the

               educational  system  of  the  United  States  has

               been the real support of the nation.

               Gradually, however, the philosophy of Greece

               has,  in  the  education  of  children  and  youth,

               almost wholly supplanted the truths of God.

               Graduates to-day are better able to interpret
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