Page 10 - 05 Belshazzar's Feast
P. 10


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 5 – Belshazzar’s Feast
                   time.  The  queen  who  came  in  and  made

               known  to  the  king  that  there  was  such  a

               person  to  whom  appeal  could  be  made  for

               knowledge  in  supernatural  things,  is

               supposed to have been the queen mother, the

               daughter  of  Nebuchadnezzar,  in  whose

               memory the wonderful part Daniel had acted

               in her father’s reign would still be fresh and

               vivid.  Nebuchadnezzar  is  here  called

               Belshazzar’s  father,  according  to  the  then

               common  custom  of  calling  any  paternal

               ancestor,  father,  and  any  male  descendant,

               son.  Nebuchadnezzar  was  in  reality  his

               grandfather. The king inquired of Daniel when

               he  came  in,  if  he  was  of  the  children  of  the

               captivity of Judah. Thus it seems to have been

               ordered, that while they were holding impious

               revelry in honor of their false gods, a servant

               of  the  true  God,  and  one  whom  they  were
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