Page 14 - 05 Belshazzar's Feast
P. 14


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 5 – Belshazzar’s Feast
                   Daniel first of all disclaims the idea of being

               influenced  by  such  motives  as  governed  the

               soothsayers and astrologers. He says, Let thy

               rewards be to another. He wishes it distinctly

               understood that he does not enter upon the

               work of interpreting this matter on account of

               the  offer  of  gifts  and  rewards.  He  then

               rehearses  the  experience  of  the  king’s

               grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar, as set forth in

               the preceding chapter. He told the king that

               though  he  knew  all  this,  yet  he  had  not

               humbled his heart, but had lifted up himself

               against the God of heaven, and even carried

               his  impiety  so  far  as  to  profane  his  sacred

               vessels, praising the senseless gods of men’s

               making, and failing to glorify the God in whose

               hands his breath was. For this reason, he tells

               him,  it is,  that  the  hand  has  been  sent forth

               from  that  God  whom  he  had  daringly  and
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