Page 18 - 05 Belshazzar's Feast
P. 18


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 5 – Belshazzar’s Feast
                   The  scene  here  so  briefly  mentioned  is

               described in remarks on chapter 2, verse 39.

               While  Belshazzar  was  indulging  in  his

               presumptuous revelry, while the angel’s hand

               was  tracing  the  doom  of  the  empire  on  the

               walls of the palace, while Daniel was making

               known  the  fearful  import  of  the  heavenly

               writing,  the  Persian  soldiery,  through  the

               emptied channel of the Euphrates, had made

               their way into the heart of the city, and were

               speeding forward with drawn swords to the

               palace of the king. Scarcely can it be said that

               they  surprised  him,  for  God  had  just

               forewarned him of his doom. But they found

               him and slew him; and with him the empire of

               Babylon ceased to be.

               As a fitting conclusion to this chapter, we give

               the  following  beautiful  poetic  description  of
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