Page 17 - 05 Belshazzar's Feast
P. 17


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                           Chapter 5 – Belshazzar’s Feast
                   in  pride,  as  the  great one  of  the  earth,  art

               weighed,  and  found  lighter  than  vanity.  Thy

               kingdom,  which  thou  didst  dream  was  to

               stand  forever,  is  divided  between  the  foes

               already waiting at thy gates. Notwithstanding

               this terrible denunciation, Belshazzar did not

               forget  his  promise,  but  had  Daniel  at  once

               invested  with  the  scarlet  robe  and  chain  of

               gold,  and  proclaimed  him  third  ruler  in  the

               kingdom. This Daniel accepted, probably with

               a view to be better prepared to look after the

               interests of his people during the transition to

               the succeeding kingdom.

               VERSE  30.  In  that  night  was  Belshazzar  the

               king of the Chaldeans slain. 31. And Darius the

               Median  took  the  kingdom,  being  about

               threescore and two years old.
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