Page 18 - 18 Babylon, The Great Mystery
P. 18


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               basest  of  things.  The  woman  who  would  so

               rule, would have gone beyond all bounds of

               propriety, and the nation so ruled would be

               pitied  for  its  absolute  loss  of  self-respect.  If

               this is true in the actual relationships of life,

               how  must  it  have  appeared  in  the  eyes  of

               heaven,  when  the  very  principles  in

               accordance  with  which  nature  was  created,

               were  so  revolutionized  as  to  make  this

               condition of things possible? But the devil was

               foiled.              This             was             his           masterpiece.

               Amalgamation of species, a thing contrary to

               divine  law,  and  self-destruction  in  the  end,

               was  practical  in  Rome.  The  woman  became

               the  mother  of  harlots.  The  ten  horns,  or

               kingdoms, have one mind with the beast, and

               give their strength unto the beast.
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