Page 4 - 18 Babylon, The Great Mystery
P. 4
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
universe, and in harmony with which, alone,
the universe itself continues to exist.
After showing John the destruction which
comes when the last cord of mercy binding
heaven and earth is broken, one of the angels,
holding the vial, in which was one of the
plagues, came to the prophet, to give him a
reason for the terrors which had just been
portrayed. This angel controls certain
elements, the proper working of which,
preserves life. From the beginning of history,
he has watched the growth of nations. He has
seen them rise in beauty and strength, prosper
for a period, and suddenly disappear, as if the
earth had opened and swallowed them; and
immediately in the same place another nation
would arise, repeat the same deeds, and after
a brief space, cease to be. Yet man did not