Page 8 - 18 Babylon, The Great Mystery
P. 8
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
Earth.” This is the mystery of iniquity, which
Paul said was at work in the days when he
wrote to the Thessalonians.
The apostolic church is represented as a
chaste virgin clad in white linen. The history
of the seven churches of the second and third
chapters of Revelation, describes the decline.
The first love was lost, and that made it easy
to commit fornication. The church tolerated
those who held false doctrines, and certain
sects of philosophers who applied the reason
of the Greeks to the study of God’s Word. The
simplicity of early days was changed for
worldly habits, teachings, and ways of living.
The inward change may be read in the
outward manifestations in the churches of
Pergamos and Thyatira. Paganism walked
bodily into the church, and the leader of