Page 70 - 11 THE SANCTUARY
P. 70


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “But go thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest and stand in thy
                                   lot at the end of the days.” Daniel 12:13.

               Gospel.  Moses  wrote  of  Christ.  Every

               statement made, every symbol given was for

               the one object; viz., To reveal a sin-pardoning

               Redeemer  to  fallen  man.  Christ  said:"  If  ye

               believe not his [Moses'] writings how shall ye

               believe My words,"..."for he wrote of Me;" also,

               "If  they  hear  not  Moses  and  the  prophets,

               neither  will  they  be  persuaded,  though  one

               rose from the dead." Luke 16: 31. The words

               are true to-day, and any one who will study

               the  Levitical  laws,  believing  that  the  entire

               system of Judaism reveals the gospel of Christ,

               will  find  his  faith  in  the  Saviour  greatly

               strengthened  by  the  study.  As  they  learn  to

               behold Christ revealed in types, shadowed in

               symbols, and manifested in the revelations of

               the prophets, as fully as in the lessons given to

               the  disciples,  and  in  the  wonderful  miracles
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